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Showing posts from September, 2014

Bake Fest - Event Announcement

Bake fest is a monthly event started by Vardhini of  Cooks Joy  and this month I am hosting the event.The event runs from Sep 1st-30th 2014 . Here are the rules to participate in the event. 1. Send in any recipe that has been baked / broiled. 2. Only vegetarian or vegan recipes please. Since eggs are used in baking,only recipes with eggs are allowed. 3. Usage of the logo is appreciated as it helps spread the word. 4. Link to Bake Fest  announcement and my page is mandatory. If sending an old entry, it needs to be re-published with the links. 5.You can send in any number of new entries and a maximum of 2 old entries. 6.Please link your entries in the linky tool. Sumber